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Thank you for registering for the Grossmont College orientation on June 2, 2018. Please make sure to visit our website at for more information and updates. This event will take place beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Griffin Gate- next to Grossmont College cafeteria and bookstore. Student-athlete orientation will take place between 8:00-10:00 a.m., and 10:00-12:00 p.m. in room 41-117.

Please check all boxes that apply: *
Which student-athlete orientation on June 2, 2018 will you participate in? *
The athlete orientation will cover webadvisor training and use; financial aid, registration, fees, education plans, and many other areas. Please check the boxes below if there is an area that you especially would like to learn more about: *
High school graduation year: *
If you have attended another college (community college or four-year) please list college(s) and remember to request transcripts from all colleges attended to present at orientation
Which sport(s) are you interested in playing at Grossmont College: *
* required field